Beat the Heat—Plant a Tree Lives on Despite Loss of Federal Funding
Greening Columbia, Trees & Urban Forestry Jennifer Young Greening Columbia, Trees & Urban Forestry Jennifer Young

Beat the Heat—Plant a Tree Lives on Despite Loss of Federal Funding

As of February 20th, 2025, Columbia Green and the City of Columbia received official notice that federal funding for the Beat the Heat—Plant a Tree program has ended. This initiative represents a vital collaboration between the City and Columbia Green, with the aim of distributing trees for planting on private properties throughout the community…

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Columbia’s Urban Heat Islands
Trees & Urban Forestry, Greening Columbia Jennifer Young Trees & Urban Forestry, Greening Columbia Jennifer Young

Columbia’s Urban Heat Islands

In 2022, the University of South Carolina, in collaboration with Benedict College, the City of Columbia, and engaged local community members, released an in-depth heat map study of Columbia. This comprehensive analysis revealed a critical issue: certain neighborhoods within the city experienced temperature differences of up to 18.5 degrees Fahrenheit compared with other areas of the City…

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Gardening Brittany Childers Gardening Brittany Childers


My mother loved her gardens. Growing up, we lived in Irmo, SC in a small home in the Friarsgate neighborhood where we had the third largest lot. Nestled up against a wooded area, Mom was able to use this space as a canvas for her dreams, which included…

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Gardening Jennifer Young Gardening Jennifer Young


It’s a noun. It’s a verb. A living space.

What is a garden? Different images come to mind depending on who you ask.

There are formal gardens and informal gardens; flower gardens and vegetable gardens. Botanical gardens, community gardens, herb gardens, and sculpture gardens; In-ground gardens, raised-bed gardens, container gardens, and vertical gardens….

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