Welcome to Columbia Green’s Community Blog
Author: Jennifer Young, Columbia Green Board
Why a Community Blog?
Blogging involves a huge commitment for any individual or organization, so most small organizations just don’t do it. That’s why we decided to host this space as a community blog—as a forum for us all to share information and our passions about gardening, trees, or work, and the environment. We invite everyone interested in any of these topics to submit articles, artwork, and photos for publication.
If. you would like to contribute, Please see the submission guidelines below. Submit your article as an attachment to blog@columbiagreen.org . We will take it to our editorial board and let you know if it is accepted for publication.
Submission Guidelines
Submit articles to blog@columbiagreen.org . In you email, include a short introduction to the piece explaining why you wrote it along with a short author bio. The article and any photos or graphics should be sent as attachments to the email.
Pieces should be between 400 and 1500 words. (A single-spaced page is about 500 words.) Feature articles can be longer, but you might want to check with us before submitting a feature article.
Provide .jpg or .png files for photos and graphics.
Check your facts! Whenever possible, provide citations and links so people can get additional information if they want it.
No political attacks or rants.
Four Strands
Gardens & Gardening
This strand will focus on gardening, gardens and gardeners around Columbia, providing information about plants and shrubs, plant care, planting and propagation, garden design, container gardening, low-water landscapes, landscape design, water features and more. Occasionally, we would like to feature private and public garden tours on video, so if you have a garden to share or nominate, please let us know!
We seek articles from gardeners, growers, nurseries, designers, historical gardeners, native plant aficionados, butterfly gardeners, horticulturalists, naturalists, storytellers, and more.
Trees & Urban Forestry
This strand will focus on everything having to do with trees, including choosing the right tree for the right place, planting trees, proper mulching, watering, pruning, and general do’s and don’ts when it comes to keeping urban trees happy and healthy. We will spread the word about the street trees programs in and around greater Columbia and we’ll share opportunities to get involved in tree planting events and programs.
We seek articles from arborists, landscapers, landscape architects, Clemons Extension, tree companies, gardeners, tree-huggers, and poets.
Columbia Green Community Projects
This strand will focus on sharing news and information about the projects we and our partner organizations are working on and working toward. We especially want to spotlight some of the completed community projects we fund through our Community Grants program.
We seek articles from past grant recipients, our project chairs, partner organizations, and other organizations in greater Columbia who work with us on projects in the past, present, and future.
Greening Columbia
This strand will focus on Columbia’s environment and what each of us can do to help make greater Columbia greener, more sustainable, and healthier. We will use this space to advocate for green spaces, urban forests and gardens to promote both physical and mental health. We will share information about environmental programs and initiatives and some of the smart things we can do as citizens to mitigate heat, pollution, flooding, and damage to our environment.
We seek articles from anyone with a passion for creating a healthier, greener greater Columbia.